It must be amazing to be a college coed and hot like Meet Madden. You get to have sex with all of the other hot coeds from the cheerleading squads to the volleyball team. How fucking awesome is that?
I am pretty sure every guy in the world has fantasized about being a hot girl, and therefore, able to bang other hot chicks at will at some point in their lives. It isn’t fair I tell you!
Maybe I shouldn’t be getting all worked up over this. I mean, it isn’t like Meet Madden doesn’t post all of her sexual exploits online for us all to see, right? Perhaps I should be feeling lucky, or in the least, honored to be a member of an American sweetheart’s fan club with unlimited access to her private life!
Being a member of has its privileges. My favorite aspect of the site is being able to watch any of her friends on web cam for free! Grab a password and start telling these hotties what you want them to do!