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Posted By admin on 01/10/12 - Bookmark Meet Madden


For most of my life I grew up a punk rocker. I hated country and rap music with a passion. But as I got older and gained more life experience I had found that both of the music genres I hated could actually be quite fun with the proper catalysts.

When it comes to country the catalyst is being out of your element with hot babes around. If you have been to a Kenny Chesney concert before then you know what I am talking about. Nothing but wall-to-wall hot babes in tight jeans and whale tails!

Meet Madden is one of the babes you’d find at a Kenny Chesney concert!


So when I am in a funk and I want to get back to that celebratory mood you get when hot babes are surrounding you, I go to MeetMadden.com and revel in the sweet goodness that is good ole’ fashioned American babe hotness!


Meet Madden is the ultimate in trophy wives. Cheerleader hot in high school. Coed hot trophy babe in college. A twenty on a scale of 1 to 10 in her twenty-somethings. MILF material in her 30’s and 40’s. And GILF material until the day she dies!

With one password you get several solo models including Meet Madden and Taylor True. Stop procrastinating and start enjoying your evening with one of the hottest babes on the web!

Go ahead, Meet Madden!

Blogged Under: Panties
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